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Welcome To Counter-Strike-Cheats!



July 9, 2000: Well To All Those Guys At The Mssg Board Saying My Site Sucks Ass.  Well U can suck my nut.   This Site was made by 9 year old kid(my bro).  Give him some credit. He's Some Loser  who cheats at cstrike.  He is a loser I know.  But Givem Some Credit. He won't let me delete the site cause his parents will get pissed(im 18).   All Comments Please Be Sent To his email or postem on the message board.




June 1, 2000: I Really Recommend Everyone To Go To WWW.Cscheaters.com.   It Is A Really Badass Site. And Check This,  Xen0cide Has Joined The Team.   I Think I'll Make A God Damn Fan Site For Cscheaters.com.  I Really Think They Will Revolutionize Cheating On Counter-Strike!



May 30, 2000:  I've Been Searching Lots Of Message Boards And Found A Working Link To Counter-Strike Beta 6.5 Leak.   It's In The Files Section Go Get It Now!  killapoo


May 26, 2000: I Got The URL For The Half-Life Update With The New Netcode From The Forums So I Posted The Link In The All New "FILES" section.   killapoo


May 25, 2000:  Some Guy Asked Me To Make This The Site Banner Tell Me If Its A Sure Thing Or Not. 


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May 25, 2000: Damn! This Is Like A Soap Opera.  Well Fubars Cheat Has Been Removed Due To His Owner Getting Pissed (I'm sorry <-( really) Off At Me.  I Will Now Ask For Permission.  Sorry I'm A Lamer. killapoo


May 25, 2000: Okay I've Been flamed In the message boards for ripping off cscheats.com but I Emailed Fubar about rights to post them.  I'm sorry for any pissed off people like Unknown Cheater And Other People .  I Will Take Them Off.  But I Did Read Ur Readme's And U Said If People Wanted To Post Cheats,  U Must Ask First. And I Did. killapoo


May 23, 2000: Hello People I Just Got This Site Started And Files Are Being Uploaded! So Hang Tight!  Oh Yeah The Message Board Is Up.  YAHOO! killapoo

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